Chess Club
Meets first and third Wednesdays
6:30 - 8 PM
Open to all ages and all levels.

Come one, come all! Don't be intimidated we are here to teach and have fun together.

Introduction to Astrology for Teens: Meet the Signs and the Planets with Alison Butler
Thursday, July 11
7 - 9 PM
Cost: $5
Register here.
For 14-18 year olds
Email Nicole at to be added to waitlist if full.

In this beginner level class learn about the zodiac signs and the planets, exploring their characteristics along with the archetypes and energies they represent in astrology. 

Alison Butler has been studying and practicing astrology since 1997. She employs a mix of traditional and modern astrology and is continually learning new concepts and techniques. Alison is excited to share her knowledge and insight with others.

Teen Meet-Up
First and third Fridays
11 - 1 PM
Donations accepted, but not required.
Contact Barbara at for more information.
Barbara is a mom of 2 home-schooled boys and a previous IBMer turned high school equivalency instructor, who now advocates for those in the home-school community.

Get together with teens 13 and up for games, discussion, and perhaps some pizza (bring your own money).